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Report a concern or complaint

As an international organisation providing relief and recovery support to people affected by conflicts and disasters, ZOA is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in all its activities. Therefore, we encourage beneficiaries, partners and others to come forward with concerns or complaints in case they have a negative experience in working with ZOA.

get in touch

Report a concern or complaint

The following options for reporting a complaint are available at the level of ZOA Headquarters in the Netherlands.

  • Complaints can be sent to the ZOA global email address for complaints: report@zoa.ngo. The mailbox is managed by the ZOA HQ Integrity Coordinator, who registers complaints received and, upon decision by the Board, approaches relevant staff for handling the complaint.
  • Complaints can be reported during working hours in the Netherlands (Mondays – Fridays; 09:00 – 17:00 hrs, Central European Time) through a global telephone number: +31 6 8128 9087. This number can also be used for WhatsApp messages. The telephone number is managed by the ZOA HQ Integrity Coordinator, who records the complaint in a standard complaints form, registers it and, upon decision by the Board, approaches relevant staff for handling the complaint.

Complainants are notified (in writing or verbally, depending on the situation) within 5 working days about the proper receipt of a complaint and about the expected timeframe for responding to the complaint. If you'd like to know more about ZOA's complaints procedure, please check the webpage about our Integrity Framework.

Get in touch

Integrity Coordinator

ZOA encourages staff, beneficiaries and others to come forward with complaints in case they have a concern or negative experience in working with or within ZOA. Feel free to contact Jakolien Meas, our Integrity Coordinator.

Send an e-mail to report a complaint

Jakolien Meas